There was a letter to the Straits Times Forum today proposing that "Singapore should consider building three barrages to enclose one of the potentially largest reservoirs in Singapore - connecting Singapore to Pulau Ubin, Pulau Ubin to Pulau Tekong and Pulau Tekong to Singapore."
"With these barrages in place, the growth and importance of both Pulau Ubin and Pulau Tekong will take a leap forward. Many important functions can be moved from the main island to these smaller ones, relieving much precious land resource."
November explains very thoroughly just what's wrong with an Ubin-Tekong reservoir? on the Pulau Ubin stories blog.
Such a construction will kill off the last of our natural shores in the North.
Our Northern shores are very different from those in the South and there are no other shores like them anywhere else in Singapore.
These shores are ...
Changifull size poster for download on wildsingapore flickr
Pulau Sekudufull size poster for download on wildsingapore flickr
Chek Jawa on Pulau Ubinfull size poster for download on wildsingapore flickr
What can we do about such sentiments?
Explore and learn and find out about our Northern shores while we can.
Express Speak up about such ideas. Post a blog entry, post a comment to blog entries about the issue, post your response to the Straits Times Forum.
More importantly, speak up about how some of us treasure these last natural shores and would like them to preserved exactly the way they are. Went for a walk there? Enjoyed your visit? Write to the authorities about the fun and meaningful trip you had. We don't only need to write complaint letters.
Act! Volunteer and support efforts at Chek Jawa and Pulau Ubin. Volunteer guides help introduce Singaporeans to their natural heritage so that they can appreciate and protect them.
Join efforts to clean up our shores and learn more about them.
Join TeamSeagrass to monitor our seagrasses at Chek Jawa and other shores.
Here's more on how on to explore, express and ACT on the wildsingapore website.
More links
- Changi: more photos, more blog posts
- Pulau Sekudu: more photos, more blog posts
- Chek Jawa how to visit, more photos and blog posts
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