Apr 20, 2008

"I want to go Cyrene Reef!" a new facebook group

Cyrene Reef is an elusive nymph in our seas. A mysterious submerged reef in Singapore that only at the lowest tides of the year. It doesn't have a jetty and accessibility is rare. But it is also one of the biggest patch reef with magnificent and rare sea creatures found only at Cyrene!

Do you want to go Cyrene but never had a chance? Are you just dying to go Cyrene but don't know how? Have you been there already but wants to go again and again and again like some insatiable hunger? Can never get enough of Cyrene's beauty? Or do you just feel for Cyrene's plight and want to show your support for it? Join this group! We want to show the world how many people are just waiting to visit this wonderful reef before it's gone!
Join this facebook group and the growing number of people who are curious and care about this reef in Singapore's port.

Latest update from the facebook group...

Invite your friends to join the group! Let's get 4 million people in here! The whole of Singapore should get a chance to see a patch reef that belongs to us and our children right?

19 Apr 2008 - the group was started
20 Apr 2008 - 96 members, 425 more invited
21 Apr 2008 - 112 members and counting
22 Apr 2008 - Earth Day!

How many more Singaporeans and citizens of the world wants to go to Cyrene Reef before it's gone?

Be a part of the Cyrene blogging carnival!

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